
Cartography and GPS

Cartography and GPS

In order to provide a safe and fun exprience, it is mandatory to know how to use properly a GPS when approaching the "job" of being a guide or an accompanist in a bike ride. If you want to know more about:  which are the different kinds of GPS and digital maps; how to properly setup a GPS; how to perform a GPS survey of a trail; and much more about GPS mapping software, please download the PDF file at the link on the side

Download here

Performing a track survey

If you wish to create new accessible itineraries, it is very important that you know how to properly perform a track survey, in order to be able to provide reliable data to the riders that will enjoy what you created. From the link on the side you can download a document that can be used as a checklist when you start working as a surveyor; please read it carefully and make sure to provide a safe ride!

Download here

Read more: Cartography and GPS

  • Hits: 1777

Test on handbikes and tandem

Test on handbikes and tandem

As part of the training of guides / accompanists of any impaired biker, it is very important to know how adapted mountain bikes work. Thus it is strongly recommended to perform an individual test handbikes and mountain tandems in a park (safe area), where you can assess in person the limitations of use that exist.

Limitations of use

Mountain tandem

Narrow and U-turns must be considered as obstacles

IMBA 3 trails can be generally ridden downhill (check the height of obstacles along the trail) but they always have to be checked for uphill riding

Avoid exposed sections by dismounting the tandem

In case of e-bike check the status of the battery before the start and throughout the ride

Always check the type and status of the tires


Minimum width of the trail: check the width of your handbike (bridges and trail could stop the handbike)

Narrow and U-turns must be considered as obstacles

Check if trails involve crossing creeks and rivers; it is generally possible to cross shallow water depending on the handbike

IMBA 3 trails can be generally ridden downhill (check the width of the trail) but they always have to be checked for uphill riding (they could be too steep in relation to the surface – e.g. slippery surface)

Handbikes without e-motor are suitable for IMBA 1 trails and flat itineraries

Pay attention to mount side counterslope sections as the handbikes could fall on the side

Avoid exposed sections

In case of e-bike check the status of the battery before the start and throughout the ride

Always check the type and status of the tires

Read more: Test on handbikes and tandem

  • Hits: 1557

Basic mechanic repairs on a bicycle

Basic mechanic repairs on a bicycle

All the bikes used in a bike ride (both "normal" and adapted bicycles) must be in perfect conditions, in order to provide a safe and fun experience to all riders. For this reason, it is highly recommended to: Always perform a full bike check before going out on a ride (frame and all the components); Perform a bike fitting session with the handbike and tandem riders (distance handlebar-saddle; height and tilting of the tandem seat; height of the tandem handlebar; check the belt of the handbike). In addition to this, all the accompanists / guides must have a basic knowledge on how to repair any kind of bike involved in a ride, starting with the following skills:

Read more: Basic mechanic repairs on a bicycle

  • Hits: 1337

Safety and first aid

Basic rules of safety 

(not in order of importance) - scroll down for first aid

Riding alone could be dangerous. People with impairments should always be accompanied, especially if the course is not well known.

Communicate to others the path you are going to ride

Make sure that you and all the riders are physically and technically prepared to ride on the selected trail

Use GPS technology (check the battery status and possibly bring spare batteries) and reliable cartography. At any time you will have to be able to communicate your position to others

Equip yourself with adequate clothing (windproof, rainproof, thermal)

Wear helmet, gloves and glasses

Knee and elbow protectors are recommended (specially for handbikers)

Use bikes technically suitable to the situation and in good maintenance conditions

Travel along provided gpx tracks 

Bring water and energy foods (bars, gels). Electrolytes are highly recommended

Bring a charged mobile phone (dual SIM card is advisable)

Bring a charge Power Bank if you plan a full day ride

Bring a Mechanical Assistance kit

Bring a First Aid kit

Equip yourself with emergency lights


It is recommended to always bring a first aid kit along with you during any kind of ride. For further information about what to put inside a first aid kit we suggest to read more at this link: https://www.bikeradar.com/features/mini-first-aid-kits-for-cycling/ It is also highly recommended that all the guides take part on a first aid course organized by your local rescue organizations.

Read more: Safety and first aid

  • Hits: 1461

"we bike together - training and trail mapping in Europe"

is co-financed by the European Commission in the Erasmus+ Sport Programme

and it is developed by these organizations:



